Absentee Voting
Download an Absentee Ballot Request Form
Online Absentee Ballot Request Form
Download and Complete the Form:
You may also call the Auditor’s office to request that the form be mailed to you: (563) 326-8631.
Mail Form to:
Scott County Auditor
Attn: Absentee Request Form
600 W. 4th St.
Davenport, Iowa 52801
Completed request forms are due in the Auditor’s Office by Monday, October 21, 2024, before 5:00 p.m. in order to receive a mailed ballot. To be safe, we recommend mailing your request form no later than Monday, October 14. If in doubt, take it to the auditor's office.
Your ballot will be mailed to you starting Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
All absentee ballots must be received in the Auditor’s Office by 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, in order to be counted. (Except Safe at Home and uniformed and overseas citizens.)
About Absentee Voting
There are several ways to vote absentee:
To vote absentee by mail you must complete a request form. (See instructions above).
In-person early voting at the Auditor’s Office begins on Wednesday, October 16 and runs through Monday, November 4, and will be available Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This will be located in the Board of Supervisor Room on the first floor.
Absentee voting may be made available at various satellite locations starting Wednesday, October 16.
On Election Day itself, you may only vote at your assigned polling place – you can no longer vote at the Auditor’s Office or the satellite locations.
Returning the Absentee Ballot
Mark your ballot, and then follow the instructions included with your ballot to return it in the postage-paid return envelope. It is vital that you utilize the return envelope supplied by the Auditor's Office.
The deadline to receive absentee ballots is November 5 at 8:00 p.m. at the Auditor’s Office. We recommend mailing your ballot by Friday, October 25. After that date, we recommend you hand deliver your ballot to the Auditor’s Office or put it in the ballot drop box located at the Scott County Administrative Center, 600 W. 4th St., Davenport, on the west side of the building. The box will be available starting on Friday, October 18, and will be open until Election Day, November 5, at 8:00 p.m.
Note: postmark dates no longer count. The ballot must be physically received by 8:00 p.m. on November 5.
You may designate someone to return your ballot under one of following circumstances (official instructions included with your mailed ballot):
The designee is an immediate family member.
The designee is a member of your household.
You are disabled and you have designated someone to return your ballot.
Surrender your absentee ballot at your precinct polling place on Election Day and vote a regular ballot.
Vote a provisional ballot at the polls on Election Day if you cannot surrender your voted absentee ballot.
Voted absentee ballots cannot be delivered to the polling place on Election Day.
College Students
As a Scott County college student, you may choose to register to vote at your home address or at your college address. You cannot register to vote at both.
In Scott County, students may vote in-person on Election Day, vote absentee by mail, or vote in-person at the Auditor’s Office.
Students choosing to vote at their current college address should reach out to that Auditor’s Office for more information.
Health Care Facility Residents
Under Iowa law the county auditor must send a bipartisan team of election officials to hand-deliver ballots to residents of health care facilities, assist in the voting of the residents, and return the ballots safely to the Auditor’s Office where they are securely stored until they are counted. Voting at health care facilities is often coordinated through the activities department at each facility so please check with the staff to obtain a ballot request form to be brought a ballot.
Hospital Patients
If you were admitted to a hospital in the last 14 days leading up to an election, you may contact the Auditor’s Office directly to request an absentee ballot up until 4 p.m. on Election Day.
Lost or Spoiled
Voters who have requested an absentee ballot may obtain a replacement ballot if they declare that the original ballot was lost or did not arrive. The commissioner will provide a duplicate ballot to a voter who requests one in writing or orally. Contact the Auditor’s Office for more information.
Absentee Ballot Tracker
See the date your absentee ballot request is processed, sent and returned. Information updated daily. Please contact the Auditor’s Office (563-326-8631) if you have any questions.