Central Committee

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Scott County Precinct Map

We need Central Committee representation for the following precincts:


  • B42

  • B43

  • B51

Greater Scott County

  • BF (Buffalo)

  • BU (Buffalo)

  • EL2 (Eldridge)

  • HG (Maysville)

  • LC1 (LeClaire)

  • LC2

  • LCT (LeClaire)

  • LS (LeClaire)


  • D12

  • D22

  • D62

  • D81

  • D83

According to the Party Constitution:

The Scott County Democratic Party Central Committee shall be composed of registered Democrats and shall consist of two (2) precinct committee members from each precinct and township within Scott County. Committee members shall be elected every two (2) years by a majority vote at their caucuses (precinct or township). Committee persons shall be voting members of the central committee.

Central Committee Members

  • Bettendorf

    B11        Fran Hutton

    B11        Bev Strayhall (Alternate)

    B11        Molly Regan

    B11        Mary Haas (Alternate)

    B12        Paula Carlson-Parrella

    B12 Tanya Duncan (Alternate)

    B12 Dennis Glancy (Alternate)

    B12 Stella Roeser

    B13        Michael Pace

    B13        Melinda Smith-Pace

    B21        Pat Sheller

    B21 Phyllis Thede

    B22        Debra Zupke

    B22        Ron Stuart

    B23        Cathy Voelkers

    B31        Dennis DeDecker

    B31 Sharlia Clark

    B31        Margie Schwaninger (Alt.)

    B32        Lori Dryg

    B21 Thomas Dryg 

    B33        Julie Henke

    B33        Lou Ann Humphrey

    B41        Jill Asbury

    B41 Thomas Gibbs

    B41 Heather Gibbs (Alt.)

    B42        Vacant  

    B43        Vacant

    B51        Steven Grimes 

    B52        Linda Telschow

    B52 Alta Price

    B53        Carolyn Krenos-Bodnar

  • Davenport

    D11        Sheri Carnahan (Alternate)

    D11        Barbara Robinson Lagarde (Alt.)

    D11        David Kinney

    D11 Abigail Link (Alt.)

    D11 Margaret Lyngholm)

    D12        Vacant

    D13        Jennifer Taylor

    D14 Edward Curley

    D21 Mark Kane

    D22 Vacant

    D23        Dana Taylor

    D24        Rhonda Williams

    D24        Mary Maher

    D31        Cindy Winckler

    D32       Thomas Bullock

    D33 Gavin Gassman

    D34        David Stewart

    D41        Lori Janke

    D41 Janice Payne

    D42        Connie King

    D43        Nancy Nolan (Alt.)

    D43        Monica Kurth (Alt.)

    D43        Carol Howell

    D43 Jacob Hunter

    D43        Susan Flansburg (Alt.)

    D43        Bill Gluba (Alt.)

    D44        Kristian Graller

    D44        Kris Graller (Alt.)

    D44 Scott McFarland

    D51        Chris Lema (Alt.)

    D51        Toby Paone

    D51        Michelle Javornik

    D52        David Anderson

    D53        Matt Trimble (Alt.)

    D53        Carl Birkestrand (Alt.)

    D53        Jane Duax

    D53        Kevin Randle

    D53 Lee Gaston (Alt.)

    D54        Susan Frembgen

    D54        Matt Wissing (Alt.)

    D54        Nivia Thames (Alt.)

    D54        Adam Peters

    D61        Sharon Kendall-Dunn

    D62 Vacant

    D63        Laylon Baucom

    D63        Sharon Holle (Alt.)

    D63        John Lester (Alt.)

    D63        Tracy Jones

    D64        Marrita Jacobs

    D71        Karene Nagel

    D72        La Canna Dixon

    D72 La Shanna Dixon

    D72        Tom Engelmann (Alt.)

    D72 Craig Harper (Alt.)

    D72 Donna Holden (Alt.)

    D72 Sydney Johnston (Alt.)

    D72 Aaron Tallman (Alt.)

    D73        Mike Guster

    D73 Kristi Lohmeier

    D74 Susan Meenan

    D81        Vacant

    D82        Dan Gosa

    D82        Mike Malloy

    D83 Vacant

    D84 Christopher Krebill

  • Greater Scott County

    AG          Dee Cahill

    BF           Vacant  

    BG          Karl Drapeaux

    BU          Vacant  

    EL1         Marty O'Boyle

    EL1        Frank Wood

    EL1 Joann Goodall (Alternate)

    EL1 Thomas Goodall (Alt.)

    EL2         Vacant  

    HG          Vacant

    LB           Jean Semsch

    LB           Jerry Stoefen

    LB           Susan Stoefen (Alt.)

    LC1         Vacant  

    LC2         Vacant

    LCT         Vacant  

    LS           Vacant                 

    MC         Mary Pence

    PKV        Mary Curran  

    PR          David Neff

    PV          Jason Beitzel

    PV          Terry Olsen

    PV Vickie Siefker (Alt.)

    RV          Anthony Heddlesten

    RV Vincent Jurgena

    WC         Cynthia Hagen

    WF Christina Green  

    WF         Ida Weibel